Physical health
- Making sure that you have a medical home
- Ensuring that your child receives well-child physical exams
- Using healthy habits to prevent illness
- Managing illness
- Making informed decisions about breastfeeding and formula feeding
- Offering nutritious meals that meet your child’s needs and give him or her energy to learn
Social, emotional, and mental health
- Helping your child understand and learn to share his or her feelings
- Helping your child learn to have positive relationships
- Encouraging your child to explore and learn
- Learning strategies for parenting in tough times and coping with depression or other difficult feelings
- Building resilience in yourself and your child
Oral health
Encouraging oral and dental health so children are better able to eat, speak, and focus on learning
Active living
Providing age-appropriate amounts of physical activity in your child’s daily routines to support physical health and positive behaviors
Safety and injury prevention
- Creating and maintaining safe environments
- Educating your child on ways to avoid injuries
- Identifying and reporting suspected child abuse and neglect