Leprosy workshop

Programmes Coordinator attending Leprosy workshop at Mt Makulu Agricultural Reseach station.

“World AIDS Day 2022” ZATULET.

World AIDS Day 2022 is celebrated today on Thursday, 1 December 2022. The significance of the day is to address the inequalities that are coming in the way of eradicating this dreadful …

What is PrEP

PrEP means pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is medicine administered to prevent people from contracting the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The “pre” means it’s taken before you come into contact with the …

My Tribute for Late Nigel Harper

I met Nigel for the first time on 27th August 2015 after exchanging several emails before his trip to Zambia with Father Francis Kachere of Malawi. Nigel was looking for …

Under-Five Clinic

Under-five Clinic done once per month by Kalingalinga team which comes to provide the following Services. Under-five – Weighing of babies. Deworming. Vaccines given to babies who are due for …

World TB Day

Did you know that TB is curable? Together we can end TB #WorldTBDay #InvestToEndTB #EndTB #endtbnow The theme of World TB Day 2022 – ‘Invest to End TB. Save Lives.’ …

Public Awareness of TB.

Each year, World Tuberculosis (TB) day is commemorated on March 24 to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB, and to step up efforts …